Florida that is also known as “paradise,” mostly encounters unfortunate incidents of damage because of hurricane and storm. Whether commercial or residential property, nothing is safe from the wrath of hurricanes and tropical storms. For those who are the owners of the property, they should get in touch with Public Adjuster Near Me immediately, because we are knowledgeable dealing with complexities of insurance coverage for storm and hurricane damage. We are aware of the emotional trauma families have to go through and therefore our goal is to ensure exacting measures are taken regarding the policies and nature of coverage.



For any homeowner, storm and hurricane damage is not only devastating but also complex one as far as occurrence of perils are concerned. Mostly the outcome or aftermath is not something that homeowners are ready for. There are various immediate aftereffects including water intrusion, power outages, fallen trees, blown roof shingles, and exposed roof sheathing. However, the complex insurance claims procedure are more painful.

Let Public Adjuster Near Me handle all the hassles on your behalf, including depositions and proper documentation filing. Our goal is to work in your favor rather than the insurance companies. Our highly experienced professionals’ team will help you tackle all the issues regarding claim adjustment.

Relevant Questions Regarding Storm OR Hurricane Damage:

  • Are wind gusts different from wind speeds?
  • Is it important for my roof be fully replaced or repaired?
  • Are my electrical, air conditioning, and other systems functioning properly?
  • Have I encountered structural damage because of uplifts and wind load stresses?
  • What is the quantity of damage because of water and moisture in my premises?
  • Has my property developed a mold growth?
  • Has my deductible properly calculated?
  • Is the insurance policy of homeowner entitles for upgrades of code?

Things To Do During The Occurrence Of Hurricane Or Storm Damage In Florida

  • Save our emergency number 888-824-1306 and place it on speed dial.
  • In case of arrival of the storm, do get your property prepared.
  • If you are at a safe place with all the contents stored, take a video of surroundings.
  • Make sure that important documents like auto titles, passports, birth certificates, and insurance policies are at a waterproof and secure place, particularly placed in your safety deposit box at home. Also, see that the box is placed at a higher place from the ground.
  • Ensure that you accompany a go box having all the food, personal supplies, and water, if there is a possibility of the storm.
  • Take out early cash because, ATM will be offline probably.
  • The gasoline for the generators and cars must be filled up, because you may probably need it.
  • Inform the family members in advance regarding your plans are because it may take several days for cell phones to remain down.
  • Also, buy a weather radio or a battery-operated radio in advance.

Have You Encountered Storm And Hurricane Damage?

Public Adjuster Near Me will evaluate and inspect the damage encountered because of storm and hurricane damage. If you are looking for insurance claim evaluation FREE, contact us via call on 888-824-1306  or fax us the details on (561) 815-8989. We make sure that the hassles of insurance for business or residential purposes is not tackled on your own. Instead of going to insurance companies that think that, you deserve a small amount of insurance for your major loss. Reach out to us, and we will make sure that we give you the cover in every regard.